This is a hands on class, that will help better prepare you for life with a newborn. During first part of the class, you will learn:
What to expect after your baby is born
How they will appear
What routine procedures you can expect at the hospital/birthcenter
Basics of infant care including bathing, diapering, cord care, soothing techniques, sleeping and feeding.
Common health concerns, signs of illness and when to call the pediatrician.
During second part of class we will cover breastfeeding basics:
The first days of feeding
Skin-to-skin contact
How to recognize your baby’s hunger cues.
We will practice different breastfeeding positions and latch techniques. You will learn to understand signs of success and when to seek additional help. Local supports and resources are included.
Class Details:
Infant Care and Breastfeeding is a 3-hour class. Class is limited to five couple or six couples.
Cost $225 for one or two people- This includes the pregnant mom and her partner or support person.